Friday, December 12, 2008

new friend

We have a new visitor, and it is small and furry. Two nights ago, Don saw a mouse/rat scurry across our living room and duck into the closet. NOT COOL. We haven't seen him since, but Don heard scrabbling in the walls last night. Here is my artist's rendering of what it might possibly look like:

Of course, this all might be some high-grade hallucination brought on by the stress of semester ending paper writing, but I'm willing to trust him. I'm pretty freaked out, we had a rat problem in my house growing up and I know that those little jerks do not leave without a fight.

Of course, I'm also worried about the Frisky angle. His cage is extremely vulnerable. I'm hoping his instinct will kick in, and he'll pile drive the first intruder who tries to raid the carrot stash. Either that, or we might have to get a cat. Preferably one that's a little self sufficent.

That's what I'm talking about. Feed your own damn self.

Don't forget to participate in the democratic process and tell me what a loser I am! Explanations for polling below.

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