Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Goes to show you

Of course the day after I sing the praises of Brookline Trader Joe customers and their self bagging ways, I get a full day of NON bagging customers with heavy-ass turkeys. It is always true that saying (or blogging) something good will cause the equal and opposite event to happen almost immediately. Just to make you feel like an asshole, I guess.

I've been reading this book called The Historian, and I think I'm going to give up. It's about scholars who become obsessed with Dracula, who's still alive, or something. There are people dying or being bitten left and right, and I am so bored I fall asleep everytime I pick it up. I'm also a little embarrassed about reading a vampire book. Books about wizards? Totally cool. Vampires? No magic powers, just some sort of innate sexiness and good fashion sense. Totally superficial.

Anyone have any good book suggestions? I'm really not that picky, just no more vampires. If I get some good ones, I'll post some of my favorite current reads. That's IF, see? Look at me, getting off on being withholding.


Zach Bollinger said...

There is Nothing wrong with Vampires, and Nothing wrong with Secksiness. But if you're really dissatisfied with your current vampire read, I always recommend Foucault's Pendulum, though I'm sure you've probably read it. I'm often so caught up in reading heavy literature that it's hard for me not to recommend Umberto Eco or Gabriel Garcia Marquez (One Hundred Years of Solitude, if you haven't).

Haus of Leaves is another one I recommend reading (it's just House of Leaves, but you eat blintzes while you read it). I didn't like it as much as everyone who told me to read it did, but I still found it worthwhile. Or you could read The Watchmen. Sure it's a "graphic novel," but if Miss Donovan is rather interested, I'm sure you would be. And never discount Neil Gaiman (Sandman "graphic novel" series or any short story compliation) or Terry Pratchett (Discworld series) if you want light-hearted and fanstastic reading. Good Omens is great if you want to read a satire on the Apocalypse -- by BOTH Pratchett and Gaiman.

Anyhow, I think that's probably more than you asked for. Especially from a guy you've never met. Also! Tell Don I said "Hi" or in any other fashion that better suits his Perezitude. Carrie and I WAAAYYY wanna move to Boston soon, as I'm sure she's already told you -- Portland's quickly becoming cramped.

Good luck on your book looking!

Carrie Donovan said...

Don't let this scare you or get your hopes up (whichever reaction you happened to have to an onslaught of recommendations from a person you've never met), he's not this chatty in person. He does speak in Random capitalizations though, so at least that part holds True. I, on the other hand, AM that chatty so watch out Chelle's ears 'cause Carrie's mouth is coming to a neighborhood near you!
As for books, I've been reading nothing but language development and anatomy books. Plus, you're so much more well-read than me that I'm intimidated to even offer suggestions.
Hope you two are having a cozy, happy tofurkey day!

P.S.- Zach and I wandered around Brookline quite a bit and I totally know where your TJ's is! Also, there are things wrong with vampires.

Kimberly said...

I agree that there is nothing wrong with vampire books (yes, I even read the damn addicting Twilight books)...when I need recommendations, I like knowing what other people have read, so I try to keep up at

Kimberly said...

Then I went to Good Reads wince I haven't been in awhile and there you are! Surprise!