Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another winner.

I went to the bank atm today, and someone had written in a new logo for the bank's consideration:

Citizen's Bank: THEY BANG YOU SO HARD.

I need to start carrying the camera around with me so I can capture all these wonderful messages.

I have a week off Trader Joe's, and I've been using my time wisely. Knitting, listening to Animal Collective non-stop, and staring at Frisky.
Tonight, I'm going to see Temple Grandin give a talk about her new book. I read about her in Anthropologist on Mars, and I think her story is really interesting. She gave a talk at Jack in the Box about animal welfare, and I'm still bummed out I didn't get to go.
I'm going to take a crochet class tomorrow. So for most of you, that will mean more pictures of things made of yarn that you can ignore. But at least two of you are excited, the ones who agreed that all is allowed for glory of knitting. You know who you are.


Carrie Donovan said...

So, Animal Collective and I have a fairly torrid history (i.e., a rather crappy ex introduced me to them and now I can't listen to it without some amount of hostility cropping up), but if you like them, you'd probably like Panda Bear too. Same people, same stuff.

P.S. - I think I know who I'm banging- oops, I mean banking with when I move =)

Unknown said...

I just put a new speaker in my car, and I had to take the amp out from under my driver seat. Guess what I found? YOUR JACK IN THE BOX DISCOUNT CARD from years ago!!! Remember when that got lost? My amp ate the damn thing!

chelle marie said...

Tom, that is amazing. You should see if that works for some popper action.

Rev. Nathan Mansmells-Blagojevich said...

i almost went to the Temple Grandin event. cool and weird. be well, and don't drop no stitches. i come in peace.